Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rendering - Courtyard Slab Study

Full Slab

Step Slab

Flush Slab



  1. Full, but i could live with half,

    it makes sense that the whole thing is sitting on the site to me.

  2. Full is certainly conceptually clearer. But it also poses some functional (need steps/ramps/burms) problems and I like the direct connectivity of the flush/step to the courtyard. It also helps it to read lighter and breaking up the reading as a giant single object may help a bit. I'm torn. Gonna get lunch.

  3. i'ld also say full or half. i understand the advantages of direct connectivity but i think it's not really possible, especially when surrounded by snow.plus u'ld have to show how it comes out of the ground on the other side...


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