Monday, February 28, 2011

Rendering - Courtyard


  1. this looks awesome. although I would probably increase the thickness of the slab or smthg on the left. it looks neither thick nor flush... not sure what-s best. and in general, the -bridge- part, i think it-s a bit too abstract.

    i have to think about it more. there's a certain imateriality which i don't find that convincing yet. also, at least on my screen brdge and water face into each other...

  2. I like the slab reading as the depth of a step, but I can understand the inconsistency with the otherwise exposed slab everywhere else. Will post some options. The bridge doesnt bother me.

  3. regarding the bridge, i just find it annoying when on screen u have to tweak ur eyes and squint or move the screen as u think that-s why it-s overexposed...

  4. god damn it at work we have german keyborad that-s why i always have - instead of '


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