Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Circulation Diagram


  1. 5 elevators are a bit much. maybe we can group them or eliminate some.i.e. would we really put an elevator in the manor? i wouldn't. they've dealt without one so far and there is something nice about preserving the house as it is with it's limitations.

    another reflex was to create 2 overall exterior site elevators, kinda like subway stations but i don't really like that either.

  2. but i must say: the iphone takes amazing photos!!!

  3. There is already a small existing elevator in the Manor. I'm counting that in this, not proposing a new one. 5 (and truthfully more like 6, assuming the Foyer/Lobby may need 2) is borderline too much I think. This was to see what the most direct up and down connections might be, without relying on over-ramping.

  4. This shows 5 areas that need to reach from the Underground loop to the Plaza level: Manor, Public Corner, T2, Admin and Restaurant.

    Manor already has an existing connection and admin is in the private part of the loop so I'm not too concerned with those.

    Public Corner can connect through a double height Foyer.
    Restaurant can do the same, ex. a Bar at the lower level facing the lake.
    T2 is the trickiest as it must be a continuous part of the main museum circulation.

  5. fair! i didn't know the manor had one. sorry.

    ok ok.


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