Thursday, January 27, 2011



  1. I like village with connectors, for above, it looks a little lame, but looks nice for people view.

    the other two are scary. but i think that might be a good thing. i need to think about it more. it just depends on how much we want to dominate...

  2. Scary yes, but oddly not as scary as I was expecting. Though it's also misleadingly transparent here. As long as we maintain some physical connections to the site (either under or over the ring), I sorta like the enclosed nature of the square. It also seems like a more cohesive move, like a single move as opposed to bits and pieces which, though not shown at it's most elegant, is an issue in the Village scheme.

    I guess it's about how polite we want to be. The full rings do make a glass case type situation for the existing, which I find interesting. And as scary as it might be, I don't find it dominating the existing buildings. Yet.

    I will keep working on both.

  3. hmmmm
    i think at this point both have potential. the wrapper is surprisingly nice but i think there are a few cheats likes roof and slab thicknesses, structure, windows etc which would change the whole thing. either way, i think the wrapper should interrupt along the manor.

    regarding the village, what about making the connection to the manor at the second floor? i feel the village as friendlier though that might be deceiving as the wrapper is actually more user friendly...


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