Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Manor Basement and Circ Loop

The Manor's basement level is only 2.2 M floor to ceiling, making it rather shitty to take public circulation through. This is showing an option of entering the Manor via the Loop at the First Floor level, directly into the Manor's gallery space. The Loop would pass in front of the Manor and enter through an existing window. It's certainly nicer to enter the Manor at the first floor/gallery level than the basement, but I've yet to find another way to do so without obstructing the plaza view between the Manor and the Classroom.


  1. yo.

    i agree completely, it seems like entering into the basement isnt really viable. Although i do think it is sad to block the rear facade of the building, but i suppose there is no other way to ramp up (without doing it inside the building) that allows for the view to the lake next to the classroom. thinking...

  2. Right, either we obstruct that spot btwn class and Manor or we fuck with the Manor in some fashion. We could possibly ramp to the front of the Manor, though seems awkward/forced. Or we shove class/foyer/auditorium up against the Manor, lose that gap but open up the corner of the square more.


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