Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Village Circulation Axon


  1. what I fear in this scheme is that the entire West Side is pretty dead for the public - depending of course on what happens with the existing buildings...

  2. Keith and I discussed moving the T2 gallery from next to the Admin to the North side, next to T1. This is to make the servicing and length of travel better.

    What this does however is break the public loop. Not counting the possibility of closing the loop by walking across the plaza, the museum sequence would become a 'C'. The public part would go from the restaurant counterclockwise to T2. The loop at Admin is for private access only.

    It does render the west side as the quiet side, but that seems like a better situation that potentially forcing circulation to the west side in order to maintain a balance on the plaza. Now the plaza is somewhat zoned: Public on the South. Galleries on the East and North. Admin on the West.

  3. hmmm. still thinking about it. so then u do the C and come back? why even continue the loop? just for admin to tie into the rest?

    would be good if there was one public program at the end of the C. I mean, for the rest of the loop the restaurant might be enough of a reasoning but we'ld have to animate somehow that part of the loop...

  4. Yeah, connecting the C would be for Admin to have access to programs without having to go outside. It makes sense, but it would be stronger if we had a public reason for the loop.

    I think the sauna could be an interesting addition. Maybe I was the only one forgetting about it. Keith, were you including it in your studies/program masses?


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